In 2009, Topipittori started a new venture, publishing the first three books in a new collection, Gli anni in tasca. Named after the italian title of a famous film, “Argent de poche”, by French director François Truffaut, this collection is devoted to the childhood memories of writers, illustrators, and professional of the children’s books world.
«Life is hard and it is important that you grow strong to face it. I urge you not to become tough, but to become strong,» says the teacher Richet, protagonist of the “Argent de poche” to his tense and silent class, suspended between the excitement of the last day at school, before the interminable time of the summer holidays, and the seriousness of a farewell that their teacher does not disguise. The children are focused and attentive to his every word. This is one of the most intense and moving scenes in the whole film. Perhaps because to us, adults, the difference between being strong and being tough is not clear. Yet we know that it is crucial in life.
Ideally, this collection would serve to tell readers, which we hope will be many, this difference. And to tell it through the real life experiences of children and teenagers. Truffaut decided to put the most strongly political discourse of this whole film into the mouth of a teacher who tells his pupils their childhood, their youth, will be difficult. This is the reason why we decided to make an explicit reference to the work of this great filmmaker, who was among the most attentive observer of children and teenagers. His eye, as free and courageous as it was, seems to us an example to follow.
Children have no power. In his wonderful farewell speech, teacher Richet explains why: «because children are not voters.» In fact the rights of children are the most rejected. Not only where poverty and wars rage. Even in our wealthy West, and not only among the most underprivileged. Everywhere. Ever.
Adults do not see children. In the decisions adults take daily, about the present and the future of the world, children do not exist. Only a few adults have a good sight, and preserve a good memory. We wanted to find these adults, so that the words of their memories and the acumen of their sight starts to reach the shelves of bookstores and libraries, to flow freely up and reach the children, the teenagers, the young adults and the adults of today.