Reading picture books at school

Price: €20,00
SKU: 9788898523962
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Antonella Capetti, author of Che bello!, is a primary school teacher. In 2013 she created Apedario blog, dedicated to her teaching practice and ideas, especially focused on how to learn to read and write using picture books. Apedario has quickly become a reference point for many teachers and parents. A scuola con gli albi starts considering reading and writing as the core of school life and goes much further. It is not meant to be a manual, but rather a notebook about the different ways in which we can read picture books. 160 pages of stories, reports, bibliographies and ideas to suggest a different approach to teaching. [Text in Italian]

A book for: 
  • exploring teaching practices;
  • drawing a list of the best picture books;
  • getting to know new books for children to read at school and at home.

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