
María José Ferrada

Maria José Ferrada is a writer and a journalist. Her children’s books have been published in Chile, Spain, Argentina, Colombia, Mexico and Brazil. Among the prizes she’s been awarded there are Premio Academia Chilena de la Lengua, Premio Poesía para Niños Ciudad de Orihuela, Premio Marta Brunet del Consejo del Libro y la Lectura, Premio de Literatura Municipalidad de Santiago. Her book Niños, dedicated to the children who were killed or made disappear during Chile’s dictatorship, was selected as representative for Chile in Ibby international catalogue.

Antonella Capetti

Antonella Capetti

Antonella Capetti was born in Grosio, a small town in Northern Italy, in 1967. She started reading before she was 5 and hasn’t stopped ever since. When she was 20, she started teaching at kindergarten, where she worked for 17 years. Then she moved to primary school, where she’s being teaching Italian since 2004. Her strong passion for picture books has always been a constant theme in her work: since 2013 she takes care of Apedario blog, where she writes on her activities with pupils inspired on picture books reading. She published nursery rhymes and short stories.

Natalia Lapiccirella

Natalia Lapiccirella è nata a Firenze.  Laureata in Scienze dell'educazione, ha cominciato a collaborare come editor fin dai tempi dell'università con diverse case editrici.  E’ appassionata di libri per l'infanzia e di letteratura per ragazzi.

Francesca Brunetti

Francesca Brunetti è nata a Firenze, città in cui si è laureata in Lingue e letterature straniere moderne. Lavora come bibliotecaria all’INAF Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri  dove partecipa anche alla progettazione delle attività di diffusione della cultura scientifica per i bambini. Da più di un decennio si occupa di letteratura per ragazzi collaborando con riviste specializzate e di comunicazione scientifica e scrivendo libri.

Aleksandr Ivanovič Kuprin

Aleksandr Ivanovič Kuprin (1870 -1938) was a Russian writer. Since young, he started the military career, which he left soon after. His first novels, such as The duel (1905) deal with military life considered from a critical viewpoint. Among his most beloved, inspiring authors are Rudyard Kipling and Jack London. After the Russian revolution, he moved to Paris where he lived nearly until his death. 

Hélène Gaudy

Hélène Gaudy was born in Paris in 1979. She comes from a visual art background and she investigates the relation between text and image as well as how places influence storytelling. After her first novel, Vues sur la mer, which was selected by Prix Médicis in 2006, she has worked on several editorial projects. She published novels (Si rien ne bouge, Le Rouergue, 2009, Plein hiver, Actes Sud, 2014), children’s books (Quand j’étais cagibi, Le Rouergue, 2013) and art books.

Monica Pareschi

Monica Pareschi has been active in the publishing and literary arena for over twenty years as literary translator, editor and writer. She is widely regarded as one of the most important Italian translators from English, and her repertoire includes several English and American authors of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries such as Bernard Malamud, Charlotte Brontë, Doris Lessing, Willa Cather, and James Ballard. She is currently working on a new translation of Wuthering Heights and on Kim Echlin’s Under the Visible Life.

Kurt Vonnegut

Kurt Vonnegut is a unique voice in the American literary canon. He was born in 1922 in Indianapolis, and studied at the University of Chicago and the University of Tennessee. In the Second World War, he became a German prisoner of war and was present during the bombing of Dresden. This experience provided inspiration for his most successful and influential novel, Slaughterhouse-Five. Vonnegut wrote extensively in many forms, including novels, short stories, essays, plays, articles, speeches, and correspondence, some of which was published posthumously.

Geena Forrest

Geena Forrest is graduated in forestry and environmental sciences; she is specialized in writing very serious analysis about greenhouse gas emissions but she has always fostered her passion for insects and plants, that she draws for scientific purpose. Since 2008 she performs picture book readings at Montebelluna library and she’s attended Sarmede School of Illustration and Atelier in Padua. She lives in a hornbeam and chestnut tree forrest, with a bearded scientist and two adorable little wild ones. 

Monica Monachesi

Monica Monachesi si occupa da vent’anni di illustrazione, le interessa il mondo del libro illustrato come ambito di libertà, come luogo privilegiato di esperienze estetiche ed etiche, come spazio per la crescita dell’individuo.
È curatore di Le immagini della fantasia, Mostra Internazionale di Illustrazione per l’Infanzia di Sàrmede che annualmente offre un ampio sguardo sul panorama internazionale del settore.